This excerpt from Night by Ellie Wiesel is about a person who has been taken from their home during the holocaust. The person seems to know what the holocaust is due to the phrase, "There was a labor camp on the site." The main character says this so the person must know what a labor camp is, therefore knowing what the holocaust is. This person must also be of middle age, maybe 20-30 because he refers to the children he is confined with as 'the young ones'. He could be older but it is unclear. They were probably taken abruptly and by great numbers because the story states that the quarters were cramped and that a woman was separated from her husband. The main idea is unclear but there are still some things you can learn be inferring like it is about the holocaust because they mention Jews being kept prisoner under the German Army.
Though you can infer a lot, it is still very unclear. Like how was he taken? Was it a mass invasion or a simple kidnapping? It says that this is page 23. What happened before that? Why are they being taken to a labor camp with quote 'good conditions' instead of a concentration camp? And why were the conditions so good when Hitler was known for his harsh savagery? Also, what about the person's background? Where was the person from? And one more question. Why have they, at the end, been taken to an execution camp? It says, "In front of us those flames. In the air, the smell of burning flesh. It must have been around midnight. We had arrived in Birkenau." Is this a execution camp and are they burning Jews? But early in the passage, it said they were taken to a labor camp to work, not die. It is hard to fully grasp the story and its plot with only a few pages from the text. The only ways these questions can be answered is by reading the whole book. But you can infer from this small passage what the rest of the book will most likely be about. This is the beauty of inference and using for much larger texts has always and always will be very helpful to me.